Wednesday, 22 February 2012

This post is dedicated to the wonderful and amazing William Wordsworth, who wrote some of my favourite poetry.
Some of my favourite lines from Wordsworth's poetry and which poems they are from:
"Five years have past; five summers, with the length/Of five long winters!"
"Once again I see/These hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little lines/Of sportive wood run wild"
Both from Lines (Compoesed a few miles above Tintern Abbey, on revisiting the banks of the Wye during a tour.)
"Behold the Child among his new-born blesses,/A six year's Darling of a pigmy size!/See,where 'mid work of his own hand he lies,/Fretted by sallies of his mother's kisses/With light upon him from his father's eyes!"
From Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood.
"Perverse, self-willed to own and to disown,/Mere slave of them who never for thee prayed,/Still last to come where thou art wanted most!"
From To Sleep (Sonnet)
"Loving she is, and tractable, though wild;/And Innocence hath privilege in her/To dignify arch looks and laughing eyes;/And feats of cunning;"
From Characteristics of a Child Three Years Old
And, of course....
"I wandered lonely as a cloud/That floats on high o'er vales and hills"
And from the same poem (which is called I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud)
"A poet could not but be gay./In such a jocund company:/I gazed - and gazed - but little thought/What wealth the show to me had brought"

Bye for now!

Friday, 17 February 2012


Hi Folks!
I've called myself Narf Um What Brain Lumford Somethingshire.  If you have any idea what this means or where it comes from, you'll probably be able to tell that I'm a massive "Pinky and the Brain" fan.  Massive.  MASSIVE.  For those who are unaware, Narf Um What Brain Lumford Somethingshire is the name that Brain, an animated genetically altered lab mouse from "Pinky and the Brain" gets called in the episode "Around the World in 80 Narfs."
Anyhow, I thought I'd create a blog to rant on randomly about what I've been doing lately and stuff I'm interested in.
So yes, I live in the UK and am doing A Levels.  In my spare time I watch "Pinky and the Brain", "Animaniacs," "Freakazoid," many other TV programmes and movies, go on the Internet to do random stuff, write, read fact books, listen to LOADS of different types of music and exercise (I'm not into sports but I enjoy trampolining, jugging and dog-walking.).
Here's a list of just a few things I enjoy doing/seeing/hearing/reading/whatever (other than PatB):
1. Igor Stravinsky's music
2. Philip Glass's music
3. Fairport Convention's music.
4. K T Tunstall's music.
5. Nickelback's music.
6. Nightwish's music.
7. Reading Biology stuff.
8. Reading History of Art stuf.
9. Reading History sutff.
10. Reading ICT stuff.
11. "Watership Down" by Richard Adams
12. Books by Elizabeth Laird.
13. Books by Rudyard Kipling.
14. William Wordsworth's poetry.
15. Dr Seuss's poetry
16. Doing art.
17. Fiona Matheson's art (Scottish artist)
18. Claude Monet's art
19. van Gogh's art
20. Rembrandt's art
21. Forrest Gump
22. The Big Bang Theory (TV series)
23. Anything narrated by David Attenborough
24. Poffertjes (Food from the Netherlands)
25. Papernoten (Also food from the Netherlands)
26. Pancakes
27. Coconut ice
28. Spinach (Random, but yes.  Especially warm.)
29. Bananas
30. Sweet Potatoes
So that's me in a nutshell (World domination, walnut shell?  World domination, walnut shell?).
If you are brave enough to read this blog, be prepared for random references to any of the things above (+ more stuff I'm interested in which will go over the heads of about 98% of the population, if not more.).
Goodbye, will talk soon!